Rules of Play (Auto Lotto)

This car raffle is operated under the Provincial Lottery Licence #LR24-0005


All net proceeds of the raffle will benefit NASHI Safe Haven Inc. and the programs that it supports.


A 2005 Classic Convertible Thunderbird, with an appraised value of $42,500. There is no cash option.

50/50 JACKPOT: 50% of the gross 50/50 ticket sales with a maximum of $37,500.


During the dates and times of the raffle, tickets will be available for purchase from NASHI members and at Rod’s HotRod Custom Sales. Raffle tickets will not be sold to persons under the age of 19. Tickets cannot be sold to a third party.

The members of the organization and their immediate family are allowed to purchase tickets. Purchase must

be made in the province of Saskatchewan.


These are the following prices for the car: 1 ticket for $50., 3 tickets for $100.

These are the following prices for the 50/50 draw: 1 for $10.00; 5 for $25.00; 15 for $50.00 A ticket for the primary draw must be purchased in order to purchase a 50/50 ticket

E-transfers are accepted:

Credit card call: 306-653-4646


Car raffle: A maximum of 3750 tickets available to be sold and numbered consecutively. 50/50 Jackpot: A maximum of 22,522 tickets available to be sold


Both draws will be: October 16, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at Rod’s Hotrod Custom 2623A Faithfull Ave., Saskatoon, SK.. Final ticket purchase will be until 2:00 p.m. Oct. 14. The winner does not need to be present at the draw and the winner will be contacted by phone or by email by the information they provided. No refunds will be issued. Ticket purchases are not tax deductible. The winning number will be announced on social media and posted on NASHI’S website. All the numbered stubs are put into the draw drum. The portion of the stub that contains the buyer’s information will be stored securely in chronological order.


Prizes will be awarded to the name on the ticket. The prize must be accepted as awarded. Vehicle is awarded free of any hidden costs. It shall be the responsibility if the winner to license and insure the vehicle from the

time of their ownership. The prize, which is not claimed, shall be secured for a period of 1 year from the date

of the draw. Unclaimed prize will be reported and donated to a charitable beneficiary.